Between 1778 and 1798, Pluto last made its presence in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. This period coincided with the advent of the industrial revolution, which laid the groundwork for the current economy and society we inhabit.
In the early part of 2008, Pluto transitioned into Capricorn, the zodiac sign preceding Aquarius. This shift ushered in an economic crisis that affected people and nations across the globe. In the years leading up to 2008, we indulged in excessive spending both personally and on a governmental level, without fully considering the potential consequences of our recklessness.
Aquarius is associated with innovation, technology, financial earnings, social groups, and communities. As Pluto now transits through Aquarius, it continues the trend of profound transformations. These changes will encompass the organization of society, the extent of government control over individuals, technology advancements, and the realm of money and currencies.
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